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The project aims to study and develop the energy system for propulsion of the aircraft, focusing initially on the analysis of the continuous mixed combustion and all system elements (from cryogenic Hydrogen and Ammonia in super critical state), without addressing the necessary modifications to the engine, which is more appropriate for engine manufacturers.

CLAH2RENH3CE is being executed by a consortium led by CT INGENIEROS, with the participation of INDAERO, SOFITEC and EDAIR. Together they are working on the development of a functional model where the fuel fluid tanks and their different connections between them are implemented in an aircraft. All this starts from a conceptual investigation of the different terms that define the project, in order to reach creative and innovative solutions.

Program: PTA 2023, subsidized by the CDTI.
2023-2025 (28 months)
Field of innovation:
Aerial Decarbonization
Level: [TRL 4]